Therapeutic Massage:

Customized therapeutic massages are for mobilizing your soft tissues (muscles, tendons, fascia, etc.) to restore normal functional use. Scar tissue/adhesion removal included. Prenatal and lymphatic are welcomed.

Those suffering with pain, stress, swelling or a specific issue could benefit from this and/or the specific results this type of massage provides.  

60 Minutes - $95

90 Minutes - $135

120 Minutes - $185


Gentle touches at energy centers to promote healing and mental clarity. 

This type of massage provides peaceful introspection for you while being physically and energetically present. Deepens self awareness and reduces mental stress.  

40 Minutes spiritual cleanse only - $75

80 Minutes of spiritual cleanse + swedish Massage - $165

Solo Yoga Session

One on one yoga instruction with gentle hands on guidance to assist you getting into deeper poses. Great for new beginners or those that wanting to solidify their practice while on spiritual journey.

45 Minutes - $45

Mobile services. Offering treatment in your home. 

All services are offered in the privacy of your home for an additional $50 from the in office price. 

We help inbound clients, those who are not able or willing to drive, or those who just want to be pampered in their own home. 


60 Minutes - $145                                                    

90 Minutes - $195                       

120 Minutes - $235


40 minutes - $125

80 minutes - $215


45 minutes - $95

Pediatric Massage

Babies and children love to be soothed and they need physical contact for healthy growth and development. 

Pediatric massage is known to provide comfort, relaxation, reduction of stress hormones and relief from chronic conditions such as asthma, nausea, constipation, and muscle aches.  ***An adult must be present during massage.

45 Minutes (massage only) - $65

60 Minutes (massage + Reiki) - $85

Duval Therapeutic Massage

Relief for pain, swelling and stress in Riverside area of Jacksonville 

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A residential office in the Northwestern area of Riverside 

Jacksonville, FL 32204




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